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Office of the President of the Republic of Korea

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Speeches and Remarks

Remarks by President Yoon Suk Yeol at a Meeting with Young Koreans Studying and Working in the United States


[Unofficial Translation]

I am very glad to meet you - it is inspiring to see all of you taking on new opportunities here in Silicon Valley, a very symbol of embracing challenges and innovation.


On my way to this venue, I looked around at a number of the technology demonstrations. I was impressed by how startups have turned innovative ideas into achievements. I am truly proud of our young generations and feel reassured at the way you devote your lives and futures, continuing to pursue new avenues.


At multiple events held this year – dialogues with young Korean and French innovators and with the Korean and Vietnamese people of the digital future generation as well as the ASEAN-Korea AI Youth Festa in Indonesia – I pledged the Korean government’s support for the next generation as it harnesses innovation and embraces new vistas.


To turn this into reality, the government is currently transforming its R&D policies to ensure that our next-generation researchers can actively conduct world-class, innovative research with a sense of confidence.


Notably, we are greatly increasing opportunities for research cooperation with the world’s best researchers and removing restrictions that prevented overseas researchers from participating in R&D projects funded by the Korean government. Through these moves, we will support young Korean researchers who have distinguished themselves here in San Francisco and around the world develop into global researchers – irrespective of their nationalities.


In addition, we will actively support Korean startups to enable them to take on challenging tasks in a broader playing field and pursue their dreams to the fullest.


Of Korea’s startups going overseas, 37.6 percent enter North America, and about half of those come to Silicon Valley.


To support Korean businesses, we will establish a government portal that can conveniently provide a multitude of support-related information from the 13 organizations operating centers here.


In addition, we will strive to develop a system that will provide a range of customized services to meet the needs of Korean businesses. Among those who participated, some have already made remarkable achievements while others are nurturing their dreams of emerging as new innovators. I hope that you will accomplish even more by working together and that your ideas and devoted efforts lead you to take on inspiring challenges on the global stage.


You are all the key players in the field of innovation, ushering in a bright future for the Republic of Korea and indeed the entire world. I will strongly support and encourage you as you embrace the opportunities of the future.


Thank you.