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Office of the President of the Republic of Korea

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Speeches and Remarks

Opening Remarks for the 3rd Summit for Democracy Leader's Plenary


[Unofficial Translation] 

Honorable global leaders,

I welcome all of you to the Third Summit for Democracy.


At the previous two Summits, we examined our response to global crises that threaten democracy.

We affirmed our collective commitment to safeguard it.


Today, we have come together again to ponder on 'Democracy for Future Generations' in this ever changing world.

In our time, democracy vastly expanded individual freedom and human rights.

It served as a foundation for global peace and prosperity.


As leaders, we must take good care of this great legacy called democracy and pass it on to future generations.


Indeed, it is our duty to renew their faith in democracy.


We have gathered here today - because the youth are our future; because they are the strongest driving force of democracy.

I look forward to a constructive and fruitful discussion today.

Thank you all for joining us.